Mr. George NGWANE was born in 1960 in Ngomboku, Tombel sub-division, Kupe Mwanenguba Division of the South West Region. He is holder of a Bachelors degree in English Literature, Diploma in French Language, Post graduate degree in English language from the University of Yaounde and Post-graduate diploma in Environmental Education from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland.
He is a writer, teacher and civil society actor, a Senior Chevening Fellow in conflict prevention from the University of York (UK); a Rotary Peace Fellow from the University of Chulalongkorn, Bangkok, Thailand; a Commonwealth Professional Fellow tenable at the Minority Rights Group International London; a Bilingual Commission Scholar at the Welsh Language Commission, Cardiff Wales and a United Nations Minority Rights Fellow from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights , Geneva, Switzerland.
Mr. George Ngwane is married and father of children.