The Organization of the Commission

The Commission comprise fifteen (15) members, including  one (1) Chairperson and one (1) Vice- chairperson.

The commissioners are chosen from among personalities of Cameroonian nationality with recognized competence, moral rectitude, intellectual and patriotism.

The Chairperson, Vice-chairperson and Commissioners are appointed by the President of the Republic.

For the purposes of discharging its duties, the Commission shall have a Secretariat General.

The Secretariat General of the Commission comprises of administrative and technical services.

The Secretariat General is headed by a Secretary General appointed by decree of the President of the Republic.

This Secretary General reports to the Chairperson of the Commission. The Secretary General shall be responsible for managing and coordinating all the administrative and technical services of the Commission.

A Finance Controller shall be appointed to the Commission by the order of the Minister in charge of finance.

The Finance Controller shall perform his or her duties in accordance with the regulation in force.

The Commission’s staff shall comprise civil servants on secondment or State employees placed at its disposal or transferred by government services.

However, if need be, the Commission may recruit its own staff, after the prior approval of the Commission.

The Commission may engage casual staff or experts in any of its spheres of competence.